True business leadership is about understanding the tools available to shape systems for strategic purpose.

We bring fresh eyes, global experience, and realistic perspective to co-create systems and strategies with you.

Intent Strategy works with global leaders in tech, engineering, finance, fintech, legal and not-for-profit sectors building strategy for purpose, place, tech & talent.

Independence and confidentiality are at our core.

Executive Strategy

Custom facilitated workshop and supported development process for the C-suite in articulating strategic purpose, talent / workplace / data management, or AI futures.

Workplace Strategy

Analysis and engagement-based future of work strategy development for talent attraction & retention, integrated change management, and future-proofed investments.

Strategic Partnerships

Integrate global expertise in workplace, talent, purpose & tech strategy with your design team in business planning, change management, or commercial real estate projects.

External Peer Review

Independent, fresh eyes review for your business strategy, talent / workplace / data management, or project management / development / delivery challenge.

Design Thinking Training

Elevate your teams’ approach to problem solving through interactive systems & design thinking training for more rigorous & innovative solutions in everyday performance.

Keynote Speaking & Panel Facilitation

Professional speaking for external & internal events across business futures, purpose, talent, workplace and data, with custom content created for your stage.

When your business is faced with complex challenges, you need a versatile independent team with deep experience innovating
systems change for rigorous, thoughtful and effective strategy
solution designs for global leading businesses.

Across generations, geographies and cultures;
Operationalising decision science and AI;
Developing your leadership and teams for the future of work.